Sunday, December 09, 2007

Caroling, Caroling Now We Go!

Tonight, we went Christmas caroling around the neighborhood behind the church. You would think that a simple concept like walking around the area homes, singing carols, would be --well, simple! No less than four staff meetings, three volunteer children's workers, and two-full time pastors were involved in bringing about the fruition of one person's romantic holiday idea.

It was, quite simply, a smashing success. Everybody pitched in to help, with plenty of adults to supervise the children. There were candy canes to give out, along with invitations to our Christmas musical presentation, next Sunday night, and hot cocoa and cookies for all to enjoy after the caroling. We had printed lyric sheets for all the words. (Who can remember every verse, for all the carols, even the most popular ones?) And we had flashlights, to read the words, and maps to direct the teams.

The response to our musical overture was varied, some listened inside closed doors, and never responded at all, but most came to the door. One little old lady cried, and another one tried to give us money. Most were pleasantly receptive; we only sang one or two verses, and then resounded with "Merry Christmas" at each home.

Rosy-cheeked cherubs, all tired out from their winter walk, devoured their cookies and candy canes, and sipped hot chocolate after the caroling was over. It was worth all the effort.

1 comment:

  1. In this passage Paul is speaking to the church at Corinth and appealing to them to be generous, cheerful, prayerful givers. He pointed out the benefits and results of generous giving. Not only did this apply to the church at Corinth but also to us today.
